WXDU 88.7 FM Duke University Radio PLAYLISTS: Current | Past 10 Days LISTEN NOW: MP3 (default) / Ogg
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WXDU 88.7 FM
PO Box 90689
Duke Station
Durham, NC 27708
WXDU's Mission
WXDU, as a member of the Duke University Union, exists to inform, educate, and entertain both the students of Duke University and the surrounding community of Durham through quality progressive alternative radio programming. WXDU seeks to give its staff the freedom to pursue their personal aesthetic within the framework of a cohesive format. WXDU aims to provide the listener with an alternative viewpoint untainted by commercial interests. WXDU resolves to maintain good relations with the music industry without compromising its integrity and nationally recognized commitment to quality programming. WXDU resolves to remain a laboratory where all members are free to make and learn from their mistakes.

"Playing the Hits" with Lunokhod 3 (archive)

Thursday, December 14, 2023 | 18:11 to 20:11

Artist Song Album Label
Stovepipe #1 & David Crockett A Chicken Can Waltz the Gravy Around Good For What Ails You: Music Of The Medicine Shows 1926–1937 Old Hat
Butterflies Goodbye (Like a Stranger) Residual Child Trekky
Fust Town in Decline Genevieve Dear Life
Sun Ra Enlightenment Sun Ra - The Singles Evidence
Colleen Salina Stars Captain Of None Thrill Jockey
Dredd Foole and The Din The Same See God [1985-1986] Corbett vs. Dempsey
Rosali Trouble Anyway Trouble Anyway Spinster Sounds
the Rocky Creek Ramblers Paddy on the Turnpike the Rocky Creek Ramblers Vigortone
Amir ElSaffar Inana's Dance (IV) Inana Pi
Anna von Hausswolff Come Wander With Me The Miraculous Other Music
Kelan Phil Cohran & Legacy Theme African Skies Captcha
Coral Club And I See Nowhere Island Not Not Fun
NNAMDï It's OK - Clean Brat Sooper
Lali Puna I Like Rain Not Given Lightly Morr Music