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WXDU 88.7 FM
PO Box 90689
Duke Station
Durham, NC 27708
WXDU's Mission
WXDU, as a member of the Duke University Union, exists to inform, educate, and entertain both the students of Duke University and the surrounding community of Durham through quality progressive alternative radio programming. WXDU seeks to give its staff the freedom to pursue their personal aesthetic within the framework of a cohesive format. WXDU aims to provide the listener with an alternative viewpoint untainted by commercial interests. WXDU resolves to maintain good relations with the music industry without compromising its integrity and nationally recognized commitment to quality programming. WXDU resolves to remain a laboratory where all members are free to make and learn from their mistakes.

"Playing the Hits" with Lunokhod 3 (archive)

Thursday, August 24, 2023 | 23:00 to 01:00

Artist Song Album Label
Philip Corner Ogive I Satie Slowly Unseen Worlds
Hiroshi Yoshimura FEEL Green Light in the Attic
Elia Y Elizabeth Ponte bajo el sol Elia Y Elizabeth Vampisoul
Bad Sports Can't Remember Your Name Casual Victim Pile: Austin 2009 Matador
Spider Bags Standing On A Curb Shake My Head Odessa
Wesley Wolfe Accidental Domino Cynics Need Love Too Odessa
Hiss Golden Messenger Katy (You Don't Have to Be Good Yet) Terms Of Surrender Merge
al Riggs Collar Song I Got A Big Electric Fan To Keep Me Cool While I Sleep self-released
Radiologik Broadcast
Hobart Smith Katie Went A-Fishin' with a Hook and Line In Sacred Trust: The 1963 Fleming Brown Tapes Smithsonian Folkways
Exciting Traveling Four O Lord I Have No Friend This 1 May Be My Last Time Singing Tompkins Square
Lou Reed Buttercup Song - May 1965 Demo Words & Music, May 1965 Light In The Attic
The Lord & Petra Haden Rise To Diminish Devotional Southern Lord
Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul HAHA Topical Dancer DEEWEE
Sampa the Great IDGAF (feat. Kojey Radical) (Clean) As Above, So Below Loma Vista / Concord
Cooper Moore & Stephen Gauci Improvisation Twelve Conversations Vol. 2 577 Records
Rita Lee Pistis Sophia Red Hot + Rio 2 [Disc 2] eOne
El Rego Vive Le Renouveau El Rego Daptone
Darrell Katz The Red Blues Galeanthropology JCA
Butterflies Sunday Afternoon Residual Child Trekky
Paint Fumes Sewercide Uck Life Slovenly
Ahleuchatistas Blind Way Location Location Open Letter
GRRL Sprinter Pay Attention [GANG]
The A's When I Die Fruit Psychic Hotline
Skylar Gudasz & Eric Bachmann All I Have to Do is Dream Cover Charge: NC Artists Go Under Cover to Benefit Cat's Cradle Splinter Group
Generationals Angry Charlie Con Law Park the Van
Es Sesame Less Of Everything Upset The Rhythm
Chemicals Made From Dirt Panic No Fusion Homework #105: U.S. "D.I.Y." And Post-Punk 1978-83: "C" Hyped2Death
Jose Rizo's Mongorama Mongorama Mariposas Cantan Saungu Records
The Left A Perfect World Jesus Loves The Left Bona Fide
Joan Shelley Teal Live at The Bomhard self-released
DOOM Rap Ambush Born Like This Lex
Robert Stillman Acceptance Blues What Does it Mean to be American? Orindal
Madlib Loose Goose Sound Ancestors Madlib Invazion