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WXDU 88.7 FM
PO Box 90689
Duke Station
Durham, NC 27708
WXDU's Mission
WXDU, as a member of the Duke University Union, exists to inform, educate, and entertain both the students of Duke University and the surrounding community of Durham through quality progressive alternative radio programming. WXDU seeks to give its staff the freedom to pursue their personal aesthetic within the framework of a cohesive format. WXDU aims to provide the listener with an alternative viewpoint untainted by commercial interests. WXDU resolves to maintain good relations with the music industry without compromising its integrity and nationally recognized commitment to quality programming. WXDU resolves to remain a laboratory where all members are free to make and learn from their mistakes.

"On the Corner" with Crowmeat Bob (archive)

all that might almost reasonably considered jazz
Thursday, May 24, 2007 | 18:00 to 20:00 | jazz

Artist Song Album Label
Sun Ra Outer Nothingness Heliocentric Worlds Vol. 1 ESP Disk
Sun Ra and his Arkestra India Supersonic Jazz Evidence
Sun Ra Somewhere Else My Brother the Wind Vol II Ihnfinity Inc.
Sun Ra and His Astro Infinity Arkestra Atlantis Atlantis Evidence
Sun Ra and his Myth Science Arkestra Urnack Angels and Demons at Play Evidence
Sun Ra Monorails and Satellites Monorails and Satellites Evidence
The Cosmic Rays Dreaming Sun Ra: The Singles Evidence
Le Sun-Ra and his Arkistra Saturn Sun Ra: The Singles Evidence
Le Sun-Ra and his Arkistra Supersonic Jazz Sun Ra: The Singles Evidence
Sun Ra and his Solar Arkestra The Shadow World The Magic City Evidence
Sun Ra & his Solar Myth Arkestra The Utter Nots The Solar Myth Approach vol. 2 Fuel 2000
Sun Ra and his Myth Science Arkestra Star Time The Nubians of Plutonia Evidence
Zu & Spaceways Inc We Travel the Spaceways/Space is the Place Radiale Atavistic
MC5 Starship Kick Out the Jams Elektra